Monday, March 14, 2011

First of many posts

Hello and welcome to my blog. My prime reason for creating this blog was to introduce myself to the world as an indie author. So I'll be talking about writing a lot. I have one published book on both Amazon and Smashwords. You can find the links to the right. Both sites allow you to download a free sample of the novel, so even if you're not currently interested in buying, try it out. In addition to writing novels, I also write reviews of movies and games, as well as commentary on anything from things I've seen to things going on in the world. 

For those who may not know, "Indie" means independent. I've had quite a few hilarious encounters with people who thought it meant "From India." An independent author is someone who has no backing from a publisher. This means that I'm on my own in my attempts to get my book sold. This makes sales very difficult because without a professional ad campaign, many prospective buyers will pass on an indie book in favor of a bestseller. But I urge you to take a chance; if not with my book then at least another indie author. We all must band together.

That in mind, if you yourself are an indie author, let me know. Even if not, please leave a comment, even if it's just to say hi. Don't be shy. I'll be posting a often and about a wide variety of subjects, so be sure to follow me to keep track of my mind droppings. 

I suppose I'll tell a little bit about me. I'm 24, and live with my Fiance Anna. She is a blogger as well. You can locate her blog at This link. She talks about video games, life and her MS. If you're not sure what that last thing is, Educate Yourself.

I'll leave it at that for now. More posts to come.

 ~E. S. DeAngelo

1 comment:

  1. Hi, E. Just thought I'd drop in and say hi. Spotted you on the Kindle Boards and have been meaning to give you a shout when time permitted. Blog looks good. Hope things are going well with the book sales. You're right about us needing to stick together. It's tough being an indie author, but oh so rewarding. :)
